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Bako is born out of a commitment to solve two critical issues that our society faces today: food waste and hunger.

Every day, tons of perfectly good food is wasted in restaurants across India, while many people struggle to afford nutritious meals.

Bako bridges this gap by connecting consumers with restaurants to rescue surplus food. Our mission is not just about meals; it’s about creating a sustainable food ecosystem that values every grain.

How It Works

List Surplus Food

End the day right! Restaurants, list your unsold dishes at discounted prices and reduce waste.

Find Your Meal

Explore local deals! Browse the Bako app for discounted meals near you, choosing by type or location.

Save and Savor

Grab a bargain! Purchase directly through the app and enjoy top-notch meals at a fraction of the price.

Why Bako

Bako isn't just a platform; it's a movement towards a more sustainable and equitable food future.

Turning Excess Into Access

The Problem

India faces a paradox of food surplus and widespread hunger, with significant waste from over-preparation in restaurants and food services.

Our Solution

Bako offers a technology-driven platform where restaurants can list surplus food daily at discounts. Customers can explore and purchase diverse cuisines at reduced prices, helping reduce waste and positively impacting the community.

Win ₹₹₹ While Fighting Food Waste

Fill out our survey for a chance to win a ₹500 Amazon Gift Card!

Despite being a country of abundant food production, India faces a paradoxical challenge: massive food waste alongside widespread hunger. Restaurants, catered events, and food service establishments contribute significantly to this waste, often due to unpredictable customer turnout and over-preparation. This problem isn’t just a loss of food; it’s a loss of resources, labor, and opportunity, with a considerable environmental impact.